Association for Documentary Editing Newsletter

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Matt Bowman: Antirevivalism and Its Discontents

Matthew Bowman, “Antirevivalism and Its Discontents: Liberal Evangelicalism, the American City, and the Sunday School, 1900-1929,” Religion and American Culture: A Journal of Interpretation, 23/2 (2013): 262-290.

The struggles of Evangelicalism in the early 20th century. Great reading and it’s just possible that you may find parallels in Mormonism. Whatever the case, Great work, Matt.

We Broke Bread

Recently, Aaron R. at By Common Consent wrote a series of posts on the sacrament. Several of his points have stayed with me, and while reading some diaries recently I came across a number of references to the sacrament among the early Mormons that reminded me again of Aaron thoughts. Here is one of those references, dating from the mid 1830s:
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